Imagine you had a salesperson who had NO fear of making 100’s of calls a day and can make those calls during any hour of the day you schedule.

Talk to Right Now!

Meet CLAY!

Your new sales and customer service assistant! He can be molded and customized for your unique business requirements.


As Seen On

Endless Possibilities

Improve customer satisfaction and increase business using

  • What size do you want your business to be?
  • How many customers do you want?
  • What type of customers are you looking for?
  • Do you sell to other countries and time zones?

Now, you can control the amount of business and type of business you want more than ever before!

Starting Sales Conversations

Schedule sales calls as soon as you get the lead

  • Visualize a salesperson who has NO fear of making 100’s of calls a day and can make those calls during any hour of the day you schedule.
  • How many leads do you receive in a day? Or in a week? Imagine the impact to your business if when a lead comes in, a sales call is scheduled and executed within minutes of receiving it.
  • Is the weekend a great time to reach your customers? What would it mean to your business if you had a salesperson who could come in every Saturday and Sunday and make the calls you need made while you were enjoying time with family and friends?

Triaging Customer Issues 24/7

Discover and prioritize what’s most important to the customer

  • All businesses live and die by its customer service. What if you had the ability to discover and prioritize what’s most important to the customer while at the same time you were working with new customers?
  • Never miss a customer call again anytime day or night. Clay can determine which situations need your immediate attention and which don’t.
  • Create instant, positive word of mouth from your customers that will impact your business’ bottom line for years to come.

Warming Up Your Lead Pipeline

No lead is overlooked while rejuvenating older opportunities

  • Do you have lists of leads and older customers that haven’t been called? Maybe you or your salesperson don’t have the time to get to them? Clay will make sure no lead is overlooked while rejuvenating older opportunities.
  • Your customers can receive consistent, appropriate, and professional calls on a regular schedule deepening your relationship with them.
  • Picture this, you come into the office Monday morning with a full week of appointments set for you while you spent the weekend with your friends and family.

To Ensure Your Results, Utilizes Our Methodology

Examples of Business to Consumer markets
where can make an impact

Real Estate

Insurance Markets




Car Dealerships


Lawn Care

Home Security

Water Treatment





is perfect for

Business-to-Business Applications

If you have a position that needs a person to make 100’s of calls
or a position that intakes 100’s of calls is your solution!

You monitor the results while does the work.

Call Today And See How Crucial Link AI Will Impact Your Business